
Werewolf Woman (1976)

Directed by Rino Di Silvestro

Crime | Horror | Thriller

Most recently watched by sleestakk


A woman has dreams that she is a werewolf so she goes out and finds men. She proceeds to have sex with them and then rip their throats out with her teeth. She eventually falls in love but then she is raped and her lover is murdered so she goes out for revenge.

Rated R | Length 98 minutes


Annik Borel | Renato Rossini | Dagmar Lassander | Pietro Torrisi | Elio Zamuto | Andrea Scotti | Frederick Stafford | Tino Carraro | Felicita Fanny | Salvatore Billa

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/07/2018Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

A weirdly transgressive film that starts off like a genre horror film but progressively morphs into something akin to Polanski’s REPULSION, but as a soft core road movie. The longer I watched it the more I liked it. It definitely subverts expectations.


7 years ago

Glad you dug this. I wasn’t a fan when I finally watched it a couple years ago. think my expectations were out of whack compared to what was delivered.

I noticed that in the overview for the film it doesn’t have you linked as having watched it (actually notice this about all recent films tallied on the overview page). I mention this here bc the rating is not averaged between our two scores. The averaged score would be 6.25 but it still reads “5” based on my score.

7 years ago

I think this is related to caching issues. I need to dump the caching scheme I’m using and try something else.

Yeah, this is a totally different movie than I was expecting but once I let go of that I started enjoying it more!