
The Panther Women (1967)

Directed by René Cardona

Action | Horror | Science Fiction

Most recently watched by sleestakk


The Panther women are worshipers of Satan and perform rituals in their honor and sacrifice.  The fighters will face them up and down the ring.

Length 87 minutes


Ariadna Welter | Elizabeth Campbell | Yolanda Montes | Eric del Castillo | Manuel 'Loco' Valdés | Jorge Mondragón | Nathanael León | Genaro Moreno | María Douglas | Ángel Di Stefani | Gerardo Zepeda | Jesús "Murciélago" Velázquez | Eda Lorna | Elena Saldívar | María Guadalupe Delgado | Cavernario Galindo | Armando Acosta | Manuel Alvarado | Alfonso Carti | Federico Falcón | Juan Garza | Armando Gutiérrez | Jesús Gómez | Antonio Padilla 'Pícoro' | Carlos Suárez

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/28/2024Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned6 stars

Viewing Notes

Internet out, cell service out, no choice but to watch a movie.


10 months ago

Sometimes you just have to compromise. It happens

9 months ago

Had to take one for the team!